Thursday, August 30, 2012

In the beginning....

Okay,so I decided to start blogging since I sit on my butt all day doing nothing anyway. Well let me explain that. I think I may be lazy(well I know I am,lol) but I actually WANT to do stuff but I am too TIRED all the time(and there isn't enough hours in the day when you sleep 8 or 9 hours a night and then take a 2 hour nap midday). My doctor(in Birmingham,and my hubby thinks going to Birmingham which is 2 hours away is absurd) wanted me to get a sleep study done because he suspected sleep apnea. Well,two weeks ago I had it done and yep,sleep apnea. Not your normal(me not normal? go figure) obstructive sleep apnea(that 95% have) but an unusual kind called central sleep apnea(means your brain is disfunctional and I already knew that). Well I have to go back tonight and have it done again,this time hooked up to a CPAP machine(yipee). I am not looking forward to being hooked up to a machine that is hooked up to a hose that blows air, thats connected to a mask over my face all  night but I am really hoping for a miracle here for my laziness. I will let ya know how that goes.
As far as sewing goes, I have been working on a backpack for my great neice Kaylee for her 2nd birthday that was over a week ago(see I told you I get nothing done everyday). Her mommy really likes the Stephen Joseph ones but can't afford one because she is a single mom. So,me being the sucker I am,told her I would make her one. Well,I couldn't find pre quilted fabric in the color I wanted so I thought I would just quilt some myself(oh my Lord!!!). That part alone took me 2 days to finish because I had to mark all the lines with a washable fabric marker then make my fabric sandwich with the batting and backing and then sew ALL those lines with the walking foot attachment.Next was the appliques and then on to sewing it together. I am almost done now(after 4 days) and I have to say it is cute. I still have to buy some grommets and cable to make the top drawstring. But here is my so far picture.

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